Nuclear astrophysics  

• Relevant aspects of astronomy : observed abundances of elements ; Hertzsprung-Russell • diagram; Hubble law; cosmic radiation, telescopes. • Elements of nuclear physics: nuclear processes relevant to astrophysics, relevant • experiments, neutrinos and oscillations, the MSW effect. • Basic principles of stellar structure. • Big Bang nucleosynthesis. • Nucleosynthesis in stars : principles; stellar reaction rates and their determination; • thermonuclear reactions, including H, He, C, Ne, O and Si burning; nucleosynthesis beyond • iron: mechanism, s-, r- and p-process ; Stellar evolution. Supernovae: observation and • mechanism. Nuclear reactions in the sun: the standard solar model; the problem of the solar • neutrinos. • Galactic chemical evolution. Nucleocosmochronology. Final competences: 1 Describe the main mechanisms for nucleosynthesis in the universe. 2 Show clear understanding of the role of the interplay between nuclear structure and reactions on one hand and stellar structure and evolution on the other, in stellar nucleosynthesis. 3 Interpret and explain the results of numerical nucleosynthesis simulations. 4 Show insight in the principles of galactic chemical evolution and cosmochronology and apply them in problems. 5 Apply basic skills form different subdomains of physics and astronomy to solve nucleosynthesis-related problems.
Nuclear astrophysics

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